Sunday, October 12, 2008
Candidatus Desulforudis Audaxviator
Scientist found an interesting bug in a goldmine in South Africa, its 60°C home is completely isolated from the rest of the world, and devoid of light and oxygen.
"A bug discovered deep in a goldmine and nicknamed "the bold traveler" has got astrobiologists buzzing with excitement. Its unique ability to live in complete isolation of any other living species suggests it could be the key to life on other planets."
"Chivian's analysis shows that D. audaxviator gets its energy from the radioactive decay of uranium in the surrounding rocks. It has genes to extract carbon from dissolved carbon dioxide and other genes to fix nitrogen, which comes from the surrounding rocks."
"Chris McKay, of NASA's Ames Research Center says that D. audaxviator is an amazing discovery, and represents the kind or organism that could survive below the surface of Mars or Saturn's sixth largest moon Enceladus."
"It can't handle oxygen," he says. This suggests it has not been exposed to pure oxygen for a long time. The water in which D. audaxviator lives has not seen the light of day in over 3 million years, and this could be an indication of how old the species is."
Here is the link of the article
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Re photo-processing of the "data's head"
What I did to the photo:
1. open in Adobe Photoshop CS2
2. crop the photo
3. duplicate the layer
4. Image/adjustments/ hue/saturation and increase the value of saturation to +72
5. duplicate the layer and change the layer to color burn and put the opacity to 50%
This is a rough and quick enhancement of the "data's head" that I've done on the "AS17-137-21000HR" image.
So, expat....can you see the red line on the "mouth" area now?
Richard C. Hoagland processing was found NOT to be fraudulent!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Apollo 16 and the Lunar dome
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Crater Hale on Mars
The link for the image is this one:
Download the photo in Hi-Res Jpeg, lower the brightness a little bit, increase the contrast and you will find something like the photos bellow.
There are too many geometrical objects, parallel lines, square, cross and circular shapes, connected by roads.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A trip to Mars (by Rover Spirit)
So no matter the color (in this case is blue….) is still looks like water ripples to me. Why? Because the ripples exist only in the blue color area, and strangely disappear when the color is different.
The first question is why NASA feed the public with FALSE color photos? The PIA10214 photo is, as NASA claim, with FALSE color.
NASA also post the same photo with “true” color
I think that the only plausible explication to make and publish false color photos is to see what kind of reactions peoples have when they look to an image on Mars that are Earth-like.
The second thing is this artifact. I name it: The Helmet
Well, of course is not a real helmet but that was the first thing that cross my mind.
Another artifact is this. This one is also made from 2 distinct materials.
A strange artifact shape is this one.
An artifact that looks like a gear part is this one
Another strange artifact attached by a large object
Something that looks like an eye from a statue.Seems to me like is hand made…due to the round holes (with the same diameter) around the “eye”
This one is my favorite. It looks like a bas-relief of the Horus
Too many things match: the eye, the beak, the “hair”, the jaw….
An “E” letter artifact
A half buried device
I name it “The Stove”, because of his resemblance of “The Stove” that I see on Enterprise Mission web site link
This looks like a strange “jaw” with cylindrical "teeth'.
A broken artifact, that looks pretty much as the 3rd one posts it on this document but larger.
Well….that’s all folks! I hope that you find interesting at least one artifacts that I pointed out.
I believe that the woman on Mars is a trick of light and shadow, the expression that NASA officials like to use, and the real artifacts and mechanical objects are scattered all around the Martian soil.
This image is a guide for you to quickly find all the artifacts show above.
Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, the first romanian astronaut make some interesting statements
Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, is the first romanian astronaut who flight in space. Prunariu is an aeronautic engineer and director of The Romanian Office for Science and Technology. He is part of an international team of researchers who going to propose at the Security Council at ONU the intervention plan in case of an impact with an asteroid, who could cause a major planetary catastrophe. The committee going to re-unite this week, in Costa Rica, the area that suppose to be hit by the asteroid Apophis in 2029.
Prunariu claims that the astronauts believe in the existence of alien space sheep’s that monitors the Earth, but them prefer do not talk about this subject. The effect of disclosure this type of informations for an astronaut is a direct expel of the flying program.
The report concerning an incident at the Kogalniceanu Airport has been buried. The bureaucrats and military maintain secrets reports about UFO’s because they cannot explain and control the phenomenon.
At Antena 3, a Romanian TV Station, on 23.04.2008 Dumitru Prunariu reveals more about the incident at the Kogalniceanu Airport.
Prunariu remind about the incident at the Kogalnicianu Airport, happened in 1989 when the Romanian military air force have record the presence of nine flying UFO’s flying in formation with more than 6.000 Km/hour . Although, they establish that no airplane or racket could not fly at that speed without the risk of disintegration, the measurement done have demonstrate nevertheless that they are real physical objects.
“A report has been made but they did not come with any logical explication and the incident has been abandoned. That kind of attitude I call it…normal, in any of bureaucratic institution like a military one.”
Prunariu do not exclude the possibility like our planet to be oversee from outside by extraterrestrial civilizations.